Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ATL.A. Video Shoot BHS

You know if the brother James Wade is in the A he gots to haolla at the kid and he did. So here you have OMGP behind the scenes of the ATL.A. video shoot. Thank God for the Black Berry! look out for that "Look At You" Video!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Announcing Reason 5 & Record 1.5

Anyone who has spent time in the lab with me knows that I'm a reason head. I still use the MP and keyboard but I make reason the center of my production. Well imagine my excitement when I found out that they are coming out with Reason 5... Dope! Check it out...

Propellerhead ReBirth Anouncement

Announcing Reason 5 & Record 1.5

We are proud to present Reason 5 & Record 1.5. The most massive update to our flagship products just entered beta testing and will be available later this summer. Read more below for the highlights but make sure to visit the website to check out the videos and get the full scoop.

Dr. Octo Rex

The upgraded Dr. Octo Rex loop player loads eight REX loops into one player and lets you switch between them on the fly - but playing REX loops is just the start of this device. Your REX loops are about to get tweaked beyond what you thought possible.


Propellerhead users have asked for pitch correction software and we have delivered, and then some. Our engineers and developers weren't content to just create a pitch correction device. Neptune is both a pitch correction device, a real-time audio transposer, and a voice synthesizer/harmonizer that will open up new sounds in your tracks.


Many musicians tend to think of music in terms like intro, verse, chorus, breakdown, buildup and so on. With the new Blocks mode in Reason 5 and Record 1.5, your sequencer does too.

Blocks lets you sequence your songs using a more pattern-based approach, with the segments of your song as individual building blocks to be laid out in your arrangement.

Live Sampling

Remember the time when samples were something you sampled and not loaded from your hard drive? When a sampler was a machine that could record samples, not just play them back. Live sampling is back. Grab your mic.


Quite simply, the Kong Drum Designer gives you every conceivable method of making beats. Analog synthesis, physical modeling, sampling, REX loops, tone generators, and effects. If you think Kong looks massive, it is massive.

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